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Showing posts from May, 2017

Spread Your Wings And Fly Sweet Babies

This is one of my favorite times of year, usually that is….Generally my hardest season is back to school time. I love every minute of my kiddos and Hubs underfoot, the slowed schedules, the time to beach it, boat it, and just be plain lazy. But this year, this year I am really struggling with my depression and anxiety in this season. This season of life is frankly scaring the pants off of me. ..My oldest is finishing middle school. My baby girl is now 13, a real teenager with all that comes. My baby, my baby baby is going to finish elementary. Don’t get me wrong, I am still counting the days- there are 8 more. Eight more school days where I have kids in middle and elementary school. I’m just counting them differently this year. They are growing up so fast. It’s all happening so quickly. I remember the days when they were all home as toddlers and babies. So many of those days, those phases, seemed never ending. The nights of no sleep. The constant cleaning of crumbs. The e...