I walk along in this life, the days tend to blend, things march on...We have soccer practices, boy scouts, tournaments and games, homework, Sunday Worship, bible studies, youth group, school, breakfast, lunch, dinner..Repeat....Life marches on...and I can be get so caught up in the schedule, the "getting it done". So wrapped up in never feeling ENOUGH, and thus stuck on the treadmill of striving on my own strength. I forget to SLOW, to BE STILL, to listen to my Lord. I forget to Pause. I forget to open my eyes and SEEK, to look- look for God in the midst, look for God everywhere and in everything. I see pain, suffering, crazy politics, wars, earthquakes that devastate. I feel my pain and personal suffering.I feel overwhelmed, and rather than turn to Him, I begin to run harder on that treadmill of my own Strength. As many know, over the last years I have struggled physically with illness after illness, back injuries and now Fibro- I so easily think- this is too much. ...

This is my my journey of discovering God's graces in my life. God's grace comes in so many forms, and I want to seek out thanks in the darkest of places as well as in the beauty of his creation. I want to draw close to the ugly and stare it in the face and STAND STRONG in my faith- and find thanks even here.God's fingerprints are on everything, even in this broken world. I want to see them. One of my passions is Cooking and Nutrition, specifically KETO, so that will be featured as well.