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I walk along in this life, the days tend to blend, things march on...We have soccer practices, boy scouts, tournaments and games, homework, Sunday Worship, bible studies, youth group, school, breakfast, lunch, dinner..Repeat....Life marches on...and I can be get so caught up in the schedule, the "getting it done". So wrapped up in never feeling ENOUGH, and thus stuck on the treadmill of striving on my own strength. I forget to SLOW, to BE STILL, to listen to my Lord. I forget to Pause.
I forget to open my eyes and SEEK, to look- look for God in the midst, look for God everywhere and in everything.
I see pain, suffering, crazy politics, wars, earthquakes that devastate. I feel my pain and personal suffering.I feel overwhelmed, and rather than turn to Him, I begin to run harder on that treadmill of my own Strength.
As many know, over the last years I have struggled physically with illness after illness, back injuries and now Fibro- I so easily think- this is too much.
I worry, I angst, over how it will affect my kids, my husband---how I am not the perfect wife and mom I want to be- the one I see in my head.
I struggle with feeling not ENOUGH.
But I am not my Fibro.  Its not who I am. I am God's child. I am saved by Grace. I am made for so much more. I am ENOUGH.
Yet, I don't feel it.
God says I am His Beloved. He created me, saved me, and is Present and Ever Working in me.
Yet, I don't feel it. I don't live it.

And then....
The Fire.
The fire that burns our house down. Destroying all of our physical belongings, many of which were very sentimental. And again I feel overwhelmed. I begin to run harder on that treadmill, adrenaline kicking in - trying to make all ok - Striving to be ENOUGH, all on my own.

GOD MEETS ME HERE. In this Mess. He lends Grace in the Ugly. And it is Beautiful.

I felt beat over the head with His message to me. That I need Him desperately, that I am called to place my Faith and Trust in Him, and that I am ENOUGH.
It shakes me soo --in a good way.
I see with startling clarity that He was showing me that I simply cannot do this life thing on my own. He is overwhelming me with feelings of Gratitude and Blessing. He is bringing so many friends to rally around us and donate, help, pray for us. Allowing me to see that stuff is just stuff, that my relationships are what is important, that He is in Control, and that I will never be able to run fast enough to make everything ok, to be Enough to all. And that is ok, because it was never what I was meant for.
He used this tragedy to truly open my eyes, to draw me to Him, to show me my immense need for Him.
{I have and likely will always struggle with depression and anxiety along with my physical health issues. This is a life long struggle, the feeling of not being Enough. I am sure I will still feel this way too often, that the Devil will use his lies to manipulate me here, as he knows its a weak spot for me.}
BUT today I hear it loud and clear that yes Erika YOU ARE ENOUGH.
Today I journal it, and it is carved into my being- God chose you Erika, God loves you and you are precious in His sight. You are ENOUGH.

All of the events of my life...they are not bad or wrong... God will use them to grow my roots deeper in HIM, to grow my relationship with my Lord, to pull me through the Sanctification process. The more I grow in Him, the more I see how very sin filled I am. I am humbled by my great need.

SOOOO...... God has used these last weeks to show me LOUD AND CLEAR that I want more.

Through my struggles, my sufferings, He is growing me, and giving me the desire for more. More of Him, More from me.
I want To See God More, to fill with His Love and JOY More.
I long to live EUCHARISTEO.
If I live daily in the word, if I daily put on my Armour that is God, and wear my Jesus goggles- I can SEE JOY and Thanksgiving in even the darkest of places!!! And Through Him all of this is possible.

This, this is the message He has brings me when He meets me right where I am- in my Ugly Beautiful Places.

This is what He shows-
that even, maybe especially, in the Ugly Beautiful His Light Shines Brightest. And that even in my darkness, in my Suffering, he sears the message that I am ENOUGH on my very being. AND THAT, that my friends, is UGLY BEAUTIFUL GRACE!


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