From LOW LOW LOW LOW to Highs Unimaginable… Time to get REAL- Lets stop, have a cuppa and be Real together . Friends, I have had some LOW LOW different ways than some of ya’ll--- for me it looks like lots of STILLNESS, lots of alone time, lots of physical pain, lots of emotional pain, feelings of loosing footing… I have been feeling like a failure-trying to figure out how to grieve the loss of old me, accept the new me- the me with fibromyalgia- not being able to do my mom and wife duties (as I see them)...fight with a hubbie who I see feeling overwhelmed with responsibility..who isn’t feeling respected..who I take out my frustrations on so easily-who I boss so easily, nag… Yep, thats me, my messy bared. I'm struggling to feel like ME in this body-still! Then God sends me this reminder,

This is my my journey of discovering God's graces in my life. God's grace comes in so many forms, and I want to seek out thanks in the darkest of places as well as in the beauty of his creation. I want to draw close to the ugly and stare it in the face and STAND STRONG in my faith- and find thanks even here.God's fingerprints are on everything, even in this broken world. I want to see them. One of my passions is Cooking and Nutrition, specifically KETO, so that will be featured as well.