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Showing posts from March, 2017
From LOW LOW LOW LOW to Highs Unimaginable… Time to get REAL- Lets stop, have a cuppa and be Real together . Friends, I have had some LOW LOW different ways than some of ya’ll--- for me it looks like lots of STILLNESS, lots of alone time, lots of physical pain, lots of emotional pain, feelings of loosing footing… I have been feeling like a failure-trying to figure out how to grieve the loss of old me, accept the new me- the me with fibromyalgia- not being able to do my mom and wife duties (as I see them)...fight with a hubbie who I see feeling overwhelmed with responsibility..who isn’t feeling respected..who I take out my frustrations on so easily-who I boss so easily, nag… Yep, thats me, my messy bared. I'm struggling to feel like ME in this body-still! Then God sends me this reminder,

This One is For the Mamas, Enough Part 2

Enough, Part 2. ---- For the Mamas! This one is for the Mamas… --- and the babies Mama’s, and the Mama’s Mama’s, Mama’s, Mama’s Mama’s… - for those that get this, just couldn’t resist :) - For the Mama who is crying silently on the couch because she just yelled at her kids AGAIN for something stupid and now she’s feeling guilty. For the Mama who is struggling to get dinner on the table, ordering that take out one more time, feeling like she can never catch up, feeling like she isn’t meeting her own standard of who she should be. For the Mama who can’t remember the last time she showered, had on real clothes, let alone makeup, and is feeling less than. For the Mama who isn’t in the shape she wants, struggling to get those old jeans on, and just wanting to feel beautiful, but is feeling so far from it. For the Mama with little ones, desperate for a moment alone, a moment of peace, hiding out in the bathroom or kitchen pantry that one extra minute, that one minute t...