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This One is For the Mamas, Enough Part 2

Enough, Part 2. ---- For the Mamas!
This one is for the Mamas… --- and the babies Mama’s, and the Mama’s Mama’s, Mama’s, Mama’s Mama’s…
- for those that get this, just couldn’t resist :) -

For the Mama who is crying silently on the couch because she just yelled at her kids AGAIN for something stupid and now she’s feeling guilty.

For the Mama who is struggling to get dinner on the table, ordering that take out one more time, feeling like she can never catch up, feeling like she isn’t meeting her own standard of who she should be.

For the Mama who can’t remember the last time she showered, had on real clothes, let alone makeup, and is feeling less than.

For the Mama who isn’t in the shape she wants, struggling to get those old jeans on, and just wanting to feel beautiful, but is feeling so far from it.

For the Mama with little ones, desperate for a moment alone, a moment of peace, hiding out in the bathroom or kitchen pantry that one extra minute, that one minute that is never long enough, who thinks she may literally go insane at any moment.

For the Mama whose children are gone, or just grown to school age even and out of the house, and feels alone, or feels she didn’t do the job she wished she had.

For the Mama who works, and feels like she is less than because she isn’t home all day.

For the Mama who stays home, and feels like she is less than because she doesn’t do anything.

For the Mama who feel so much pressure to be perfect that she is scared to death to be Real with anyone, so she fronts,and stuffs, and becomes more and more isolated, even in a room full of people.

Did I get you? Are you like me?

Mama’s, Please HEAR ME.

I’d venture to say that--  We all struggle.We all feel less than sometimes. We all feel not, well not ENOUGH.

It’s a lie.
HEAR ME, IT IS A LIE straight from Satan.

God is ENOUGH. And...
God made you. So YOU ARE ENOUGH. Period. The End.
God made you in His Image - God says you are Beautiful - God says you will not Fall.

Whether you are stressed out to the max, ready to collapse and feel alone in it, or seem to have too much time on your hands these days and feel lonely, You are ENOUGH Mama.

Whether you're perfectly put together,at your perfect weight and feeling on top of the world, or feeling just the opposite this minute, You Are ENOUGH Mama.

Whether you are killing it with nutrition for your family, or struggling just to get anything on the table these days, You Are ENOUGH Mama.

Not a one of is is perfect
Not a one of us is KILLING IT on all fronts,Not a ONE.
So let’s agree to be REAL.
Real with ourselves, Real with EACH OTHER.
Real on Facebook, Real at Church, Real at the Grocery Store and In our Homes.
Let’s be REAL Support for each other!

In the UGLY there is ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL GRACE to be found.
Ya’ll please Hear ME! - You are ENOUGH Mama.

And one more thing, hang with me. This one is IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What if we paused, and surveyed what is REAL, what is TRUTH?
What if we were still long enough to realize there is HAPPINESS to be FOUND Here!?!

If we do this, so much of the worry, the angst, the stress will just go away.
Let's look for ways to be JOY-Filled. What will bring JOY today Mama? --if you aren’t looking forward, but just NOW-- What will bring JOY?
Pause with me here and now and answer that. And practice it JUST FOR TODAY!
Tomorrow is yet to come. Tomorrow is not Here.
#practicethepause #uglybeautifulgrace


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