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From LOW LOW LOW LOW to Highs Unimaginable…
Time to get REAL-
Lets stop, have a cuppa and be Real together.
Friends, I have had some LOW LOW different ways than some of ya’ll---
for me it looks like lots of STILLNESS, lots of alone time, lots of physical pain, lots of emotional pain, feelings of loosing footing…
I have been feeling like a failure-trying to figure out how to grieve the loss of old me, accept the new me- the me with fibromyalgia- not being able to do my mom and wife duties (as I see them)...fight with a hubbie who I see feeling overwhelmed with responsibility..who isn’t feeling respected..who I take out my frustrations on so easily-who I boss so easily, nag… Yep, thats me, my messy bared. I'm struggling to feel like ME in this body-still!

Then God sends me this reminder,
these bible stories, verses-
I  lie here in bed, in physical pain, yet with a great big smile inside- feeling full to overflowing from my studying with God’s Word this afternoon--so much so I am led to share.

I was led to Psalm 73. Its perfect for where I am today-for all of us really, whether I know your day or not...I know that we are all human, we all fall short of the glory of God on our own, we are all in need of Saving Grace here in our Ugly.

WHY... Is God silent?
...does he let all this physical/emotional pain be felt?
Psalm 73---
talk of almost slipping, loosing footing, seeing wicked appear to have everything, while they can barely hang on-being plagued and punished feeling--grappling to understand UNTIL---- READ THIS---
vs 17" until I entered the sanctuary of God"...
then they understood
--if we are grappling out there in the world, flailing along on our own, seeing evil look good--We need to put our head back in HIS WORD, come to HIS sanctuary of REFUGE-LOOK UP to him!!!!
Man this hit me big----TILL entered sanctuary of GOD!!!!!!
gonna quote a few other verses
Psalm 23,24,26,28
Yet I am always with you, you hold me by my right hand
You guide me with your counsel, and afterwards you will take me into you Glory.
My flesh and Heart may fail, but God is strength of my heart and my portion forever.
But as for me, it is Good to be near God
I have made the Sovereign Lord my REFUGE.
I will tell of your deeds.
Isn't that so comforting?????
All I need to do is STOP, and Enter His Sanctuary! - and I will gain understanding!!!!!

God, that we may look to you always, find moments to BE STILL and seek refuge in you, that when I feel myself losing footing, flailing about, may I be prodded by you to STOP. to pray. to look back up to YOU, to seek YOUR face once again.
May we praise you in the midst of our battles, may we be thank-filled-led to praise and filled with JOY right here in what sometimes seems so UGLY, the bottom, the unthinkable...
You show us GRACE right here in our UGLY , this is UGLY BEAUTIFUL GRACE!.


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